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Notebook With A Pen And A Stethoscope

Care Guidance Programs: Transforming Chronic Care Management for a More Equitable Future

We’re excited to share a recent article published in Medical Economics by Tina Graham, COO of Guideway Care, that sheds light on the transformative potential of care guidance programs in the realm of chronic care management (CCM). CCM plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between healthcare providers and their vulnerable patients. Those at […]

Guideway Care In Group Practice Journal!

Discover how the payvider model is revolutionizing healthcare delivery in the United States in our article published in Group Practice Journal, an American Medical Group Association (AMGA) publication. Introductory paragraph below and read the full article here: May / June Issue of Group Practice Journal Providers and payers in the U.S. healthcare system have been […]
Craig Parker

Guideway Care CEO, Craig Parker, Selected to Present at Health Insights Fall Forum, Addresses Growing Need for Alternative Care Approaches

Guideway Care’s chief executive officer, Craig Parker, will co-present with David Randall, chief strategy officer, UAB Health System at the Health Insights Fall 2022 Forum, Thursday, October 27, New Orleans, LA. Parker will share Guideway Care’s perspectives and experiences in alternative patient interaction methods – from care at home to non-clinical navigation, and will share […]


Bridging the Gap: Addressing Patient Absenteeism in Telehealth

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Patient Absenteeism in Telehealth

The rise of digital technology has transformed healthcare, with telehealth emerging as a convenient and accessible solution. Yet, despite its benefits, healthcare providers face a significant challenge: patients missing telehealth appointments. Let’s explore the main reasons behind this issue and discuss potential solutions to ensure patients receive the care they need. Technical Hurdles and Patient […]
Harnessing Technology for Better Patient Outreach

Harnessing Technology for Better Patient Outreach

Technology changes how we talk to each other, and in healthcare, it’s transforming how doctors and clinics connect with patients. Today, technology ensures that every message, whether it’s a simple appointment reminder or a vital health update, reaches patients directly and efficiently. This direct line not only keeps patients informed but also streamlines their access […]
How Engaging Patients Keeps Them Coming Back

How Engaging Patients Keeps Them Coming Back

Patient engagement is essential in healthcare, moving past just giving medical care to making an interactive space where patients feel appreciated. But what’s the link between patient engagement and patient retention? Healthcare providers that make engaging with patients a top priority have lower rates of patients leaving. Keeping a patient you already have is up […]

Care Guidance Helps Reduce Preventable Readmissions Among Multi-Visit Patients

Key Points Patients who are high utilizers of healthcare services, also known as multi-visit patients (MVPs) or frequent flyers, statistically drive up readmission rates and strain clinical resources of hospitals and emergency departments. Multi-visit patients account for more than half of all readmissions in the United States. Readmission costs to Medicare is reported at $26 […]
A Cancer Patient Receiving Juice From A Nurse

NCI National Cancer Plan Prioritizes Eliminating Health Disparities

Key Takeaways: Throughout the healthcare ecosystem, there is increasing recognition of the struggles that cancer patients face to overcome health inequities attributed to social determinants of health (SDoH) and other non-clinical barriers to accessing quality care. In fact, the American Cancer Society acknowledges that a prognosis for cancer is correlated with the quality of care patients […]
Many People Waiting In The Waiting Area

Care Guidance Transforms Rural Healthcare

A recent feature article authored by Craig Parker, CEO, Guideway Care, and published in Medical Economics describes the multiple challenges faced by rural hospitals, issues that have gained national attention. The ongoing closures of rural hospitals across the United States are putting vital healthcare services at risk, leaving many Americans with limited access to essential […]
How Healthcare User Experience Elevates Patient Retention: A Guide by Guideway Care

How Healthcare User Experience Elevates Patient Retention: A Guide by Guideway Care

The healthcare industry has seen a seismic shift toward patient-centric care. Healthcare user experience plays a pivotal role in this transformation, directly affecting patient satisfaction and, ultimately, retention. This article aims to shed light on how enhancing the healthcare user experience can significantly improve patient retention. We’ll also discuss how retaining patients through user experience […]
Woman Demonstrating Something To The Doctor On A Tablet

Unlocking Care Management Potential: Guideway Care’s Transformative Approach in Medical Device News Magazine

Key Points: In a recent publication in Medical Device News Magazine, Tina Graham, COO of Guideway Care, dives into the transformative potential of the company’s groundbreaking care guidance program. This approach is revolutionizing care management, benefiting both healthcare providers and patients by addressing critical challenges and fostering a more efficient and equitable healthcare landscape. Empowering […]
Unpacking the Appeal: Why Bundled Payments Resonate With Healthcare Payers

Unpacking the Appeal: Why Bundled Payments Resonate With Healthcare Payers

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, payers are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance the quality of care while minimizing costs. One such solution that has gained significant attention is bundled payments. This article aims to shed light on bundled payments benefits, why they are an increasingly popular option for healthcare payers, and the importance […]
Doctor Holding Patient's Hand

Guideway’s Care Guidance Program Featured in the Association of Cancer Executives (ACE) Newsletter

Key Points: Guideway Care’s groundbreaking Care guidance program has garnered significant attention in the healthcare community, earning a featured spot in the August issue of the Association of Cancer Executives (ACE) Newsletter. This spotlight highlights the program’s revolutionary approach to advancing health equity and improving patient outcomes, particularly in the context of cancer care. Let’s […]
The Eight Cornerstones of Patient-Centered Care: A Guideway Care Initiative

The Eight Cornerstones of Patient-Centered Care: A Guideway Care Initiative

In healthcare, the focus has shifted from a disease-centered to a patient-centered approach. This transformation isn’t merely a change in terminology but a complete overhaul of how healthcare providers interact with patients. Guideway Care believes that the eight principles of patient-centered care serve as the bedrock for this new paradigm. This article aims to explain […]
Older Women Talking On The Phone

Unlocking the Power of Care Guidance in Memory Care

Key Points: We are thrilled to share our recent contribution to, where we explore the importance of care guidance in supporting seniors with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). As the baby boomer generation ages, cognitive changes become more pronounced and conditions like MCI become increasingly prevalent. MCI is a common condition characterized by a slight […]



Notebook With A Pen And A Stethoscope

Care Guidance Programs: Transforming Chronic Care Management for a More Equitable Future

We’re excited to share a recent article published in Medical Economics by Tina Graham, COO of Guideway Care, that sheds light on the transformative potential of care guidance programs in the realm of chronic care management (CCM). CCM plays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between healthcare providers and their vulnerable patients. Those at […]

Guideway Care In Group Practice Journal!

Discover how the payvider model is revolutionizing healthcare delivery in the United States in our article published in Group Practice Journal, an American Medical Group Association (AMGA) publication. Introductory paragraph below and read the full article here: May / June Issue of Group Practice Journal Providers and payers in the U.S. healthcare system have been […]
Craig Parker

Guideway Care CEO, Craig Parker, Selected to Present at Health Insights Fall Forum, Addresses Growing Need for Alternative Care Approaches

Guideway Care’s chief executive officer, Craig Parker, will co-present with David Randall, chief strategy officer, UAB Health System at the Health Insights Fall 2022 Forum, Thursday, October 27, New Orleans, LA. Parker will share Guideway Care’s perspectives and experiences in alternative patient interaction methods – from care at home to non-clinical navigation, and will share […]