Guideway Care In Group Practice Journal!
Discover how the payvider model is revolutionizing healthcare delivery in the United States in our article published in Group Practice Journal, an American Medical Group Association (AMGA) publication.
Introductory paragraph below and read the full article here: May / June Issue of Group Practice Journal

Providers and payers in the U.S. healthcare system have been involved in a decades-long struggle related to utilization, compensation, and risk. From capitation and HMOs to pre-authorization and alternative payment models, the one thing that hasn’t changed is that patients are stuck in the middle of a fierce battle over who gets paid what and when.
Increasingly, organizations are offering an alternative to the zero-sum game to provide both insurance and care in a model that appeals to patients with a satisfying experience and significantly diminished friction. This model, in which payers become providers and providers offer insurance in addition to care, has come to be known as the “payvider” model.
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