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Medical Group Management Association Features Care Guidance

In Guideway Care’s latest article, which was just published in MGMA Connections, our CEO discusses how medical group practices can:

  • Advance health equity priorities
  • Unlock the value of quality payment models in value-based care
  • Support the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG)
  • Extend the resources of clinical teams given rising operating costs tied to labor recruitment, retention and critical nursing shortages

To read this article in its entirety, click here.

When the Medical Group Management Association published a survey nearly 10 years ago, the results revealed major challenges to running a group practice – many of which still persist today: 

  1. Dealing with rising operating costs
  2. Preparing for reimbursement models that place greater financial risk on the practice
  3. Managing finances with the uncertainty of Medicare reimbursement rates

These issues are further exacerbated by the introduction of new quality payment models that tie physician reimbursement to capabilities for resolving SDoH and advancing the goals of health equity. At this stage, everyone should be able to agree that access to healthcare and outcomes of clinical interventions should not vary simply because of patient disparities associated with SDoH. However, too little progress has been made on this front over the past decade, and now the government and payers are taking steps to force acceleration.

The Joint Commission, through its NPSG standards, specifically Goal 16, is taking action to further elevate the importance of health equity as it impacts health care quality and outcomes. It is no longer sufficient to merely find issues embedded in the SDoH – hospital teams and physician groups now must do something to solve those problems. This is where the value of care guidance presents a solution that benefits all shareholders.

Guiding the Future of Equitable Healthcare
Guideway Care recognizes the importance of addressing SDoH. We provide care guidance and health equity programs in a solution as a service model, delivering highly trained “care guides” that operate within a scalable, technology-enabled platform to activate patients and uncover and resolve practical, non-clinical issues and barriers experienced during their care journey.

Contact us for more insight into how Guideway Care, as your partner, could implement an efficient and effective Care Guide solution that delivers on the promise of health equity based on the needs of the patient populations in your community.

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