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Guideway Care Success Stories

Reduced COPD and CHF Readmissions for a Community Health System

The Challenge

A community health system faced penalties due to excess readmissions, including high rates of readmission among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure (CHF) patients.

Guideway’s Solution

Key drivers of readmissions were proactively identified and addressed. Disease-specific outreach included practical barrier resolution, medication adherence, smoking cessation, patient education, dietary instruction, monitoring, assessments, and other non-clinical interventions.

Results Delivered

Care Guidance reduced the readmission rates for COPD and CHF patients, producing a savings of $1,170 per patient or $400K in total savings during the pilot phase.

Readmission reduction by target condition:

COPD: Reduced Readmissions by 31%
CHF: Reduced Readmissions by 41%

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Patient Vignette

Addressing Financial Strain to Close Gaps

A patient stated that she was having issues affording her medical treatment during the monthly call with her Care Guide. The Care Guide helped the patient complete an application for medical expense support and secure $1,000 toward her insurance deductible.

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Patient Action.