Post Acute Care Management
Leverage advance care planning to make sure patients receive care in the most appropriate care setting.
Advance care planning is so important for all areas of post-acute, and even more so during this time of COVID-19. With many transitions across various care settings, reliance on paper documents is not an option when looking to provide high-quality end-of-life care. Developing a program to support your clinicians, patients, and their caregivers through this process results in higher satisfaction for all involved, and patients receiving care in the appropriate care setting that truly aligns with their goals and values.
How it Works
Paper documents are difficult to manage and often times unreliable. Vynca offers a digital advance care planning solution for all post-acute settings. From education to digital completion of documents – POLST, advance directives and others – we make these digitally available to all clinicians across all care settings, patients, and their selected caregivers.

Clinician Education
Advance care planning conversations can be difficult. Standardize the process, and provide content to help guide clinicians through these conversations.

Shared Decision Making
Support the collaboration between your clinicians, patients, and their caregivers by offering tools to encourage active participation in end-of-life medical decisions.

eDocument Completion
Digitally complete documents anytime, anywhere. This includes eSignature for the clinician, patient, and the witness. Or if paper documents already exist, they can be uploaded and will appear on the Vynca dashboard.
We know your staff is often on the go – from house to house, and room to room. Though our mobile, staff can upload existing paper documents or digitally complete documents.
Many times documents are not available outside of the health care organization where care plans were completed. Through the Vynca network, clinicians can digitally access all documents, regardless of where they were created.
Regardless of where the documents are completed, they will be digitally accessible in all care settings. Patients and their selected caregivers can also access appropriate documents.
Regardless of where completed, these documents will be digitally available to the entire care team, the individual, and their loved ones.
Value driven reports to help you achieve the ACP quality measure!
Succeed in value-based arrangements through increased revenue, achievement of quality incentives, and reduced total cost of care.
Reduce readmissions
Refer patients to appropriate care settings
Digitally capture care plans
Reduce unwanted, unnecessary healthcare interventions at end-of-life
Improve the patient and caregiver experience
Achieve value-based metrics
Provide goal-concordant care
Access and share care plans across all care settings

The Delaware Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (DMOST) program is designed to improve the quality of care people receive at end-of-life by translating goals and preferences into medical orders. Delaware Hospice understood the importance of making DMOST forms available to clinicians throughout the state. In November and December of 2019, Delaware Hospice uploaded 97 forms to the state registry.

From September 2018 to October 2019, Marquis Mill Park adopted Vynca’s cloud-based advance care planning portal to create, store, and retrieve POLST forms. During this time, the Mill Park team created 147 POLSTs, of which 26 indicated DNR and Comfort Measures only.